Due to the Coronavirus situation meetings of MBARS at the Trimpell Center are now suspended until further notice.
In the meantime we are running a serious of outdoor events at Hest Bank. See the events page for more information.
Please visit the home page from time to time for any updates.
If members have any comments please leave them below.
Sunday net is now on GB3LD from 8PM
Its good that the club keeps in touch with members. My rig struggles with the repeaters so I will try for the Tuesday net on 145.350.
Also the FARS group have a lot of success with 2m SSB. I suspect a lot of our group have rigs that could manage this so perhaps worth considering?
Hello Guys,
I hope everyone is managing to stay safe during this crisis. Mark has suggested that perhaps one afternoon/evening we could all meet up at an outdoor location for some radio comms and/or social chats.
Thoughts are that we stay with a Tuesday but a venue like Hest Bank, Arnside Knott or Gummers how.
I will send out an email as usual to all to air some ideas